米硅科技 | APE 2024现场

米硅科技拥有全面的固网接入及数通产品布局,产品速率从10G400G不等,提供一站式解决方案:收发端芯片全套方案、应用覆盖XG/XGS-PON、短距SR、长距LR、超长距离ER/ZR!本次APE 2024展会上,前来洽询米硅电芯片产品的小伙伴们络绎不绝。欢迎莅临米硅科技展位参观交流并给予建议和指导!

Minisilicon has a portfolio of PON and data communication products, with product rates ranging from 10G to 400G. Minisilicon offers a full set of transceiver chips, applications covering XG/XGS-PON, SR, LR, and even extra-long distance ER/ZR! At the APE 2024 exhibition, there was a constant stream of visitor coming to inquire about Minisilicon's products. Welcome to Minisilicon booth for further discussion!

展会信息:3/6-3/8 新加坡滨海湾金沙会展中心D DB-12展位

3/6-3/8 Sands Expo and Convention Centre, DB-12 / Hall D

米硅科技 | APE 2024现场